Wednesday, October 9, 2013

You Have What Seems to be Thousands of Pairs of Dance Shoes

So my job as dance captain has officially started! We had our first two rehearsals on Monday and Tuesday, and they went really well. The dances are fairly easy and I've already had a chance to lead and teach. Basically, I love my job as dance captain! (:

As rehearsals have started, I've noticed how many pairs of dance shoes I have, it's insane! I have 3 pairs of black jazz shoes alone. But, they all serve a different purpose. For example, I have my class jazz shoes, that I use in the studio, my stage jazz shoes, that I use on the stage, and my performance jazz shoes. Other than that, I have two pairs of ballet shoes, tan character shoes, tap shoes, and character taps. Really though, all theatre kids have a bunch of different shoes. And though they may seem the same to some, they really all serve a different purpose.

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