Thursday, September 5, 2013

You Feel Empty in the Offseason

Ask any theatre kid out there...musical season is the best time of the year. And the offseason stinks. Whether you do shows all year round and the summer is your offseason, or you're like me and you have a Christmas Musical and the Spring Musical during the year and then you have to wait 6 months to start again, the offseason stinks. Sure, you may still have dance classes or theatre groups, but nothing beats the actual musical season. Even though while you're doing a show, you can always find something to complain about (long rehearsals, crabby directors, hard dances), the minute that it's over you can't wait for the next show to start.

Our spring musical, Footloose ended in March. It was my 13th (yes 13th) show at my high school, (I've been doing shows here ever since I was in second grade) and it was by far my favorite! It was my last show with a few of my very best friends, which made it really special, but a lot of new people came out for auditions, so I got to make lots of new friends, too! (: Some of our cast is pictured below, at Winter Formal (the winter dance that we have at my school). I don't think any of us were really ready for the show to end, but as soon as I walked out of the closing night cast party, I was already excited for this year's show, which is also my Senior year musical! And then I realized that I was going to have to wait probably 6 months to even know what the next show was, and another two until auditions. Sigh...Rumor has it that the show is going to be announced within the next couple of weeks, so hopefully we won't have to wait much longer, but I am ready for musical season to start again. I'm ready to feel full again (see how I tied that in there?) 


  1. I miss the lights the stage and the feel of being in front of a audience. I totally get you :D

  2. I was in that musical with you. And I totally know what you are talking about!! Please keep blogging, I love it!! :)
